Interview: Aviva

Ellen - Can you tell us why you came in for a headshot?

Aviva - I recently purchased a business and I needed to recreate the branding. Since I am the face of the company I needed to start with a new picture.

Ellen - How did you find out about Ellen Wolff Photography/Long Island New York Headshots?

Aviva - From a friend that got her headshots done with you and her pictures came out amazing.

Ellen - Tell us something you want us to know about what you do, something most folks don't ask and you wish they would.

Aviva - I have an incredible amount of patience.

Ellen - What has led up to your most recent project?

Aviva - I realized after some soul searching, A single mom of 4 I need to teach my children to be independent and strong. Nothing is given to you in life whatever success you have needs to come from hard work.

Ellen - What's the best part about the next thing you're doing?

Aviva - I am in control of my own destiny.

Ellen - Do you have a favorite breakfast?

Aviva - A chocolate protein shake… Fast, easy, tasteful and filling

Ellen - What was the last book you read for fun?

Aviva - What I told my daughter: Lessons from leaders on raising the next generation, by Nina Tassler.

Ellen - How do you take your coffee?

Aviva - I only drink tea. 😊

Ellen - What's your dream project?

Aviva - Create a culture and a reputation in the company where we are known to respect and encourage family first while giving the utmost level of care to our patients.

Ellen - If I gave you a check for ten million dollars what would you do with it?

Aviva - I would give some to my father so that he can retire and enjoy his grandkids, Put away enough money for all my kids future needs. Find an organization or charity that helps underdeveloped countries ( clean water, birth control and education for women etc..) and really invest myself into that with finances and my time.

Ellen - Where can we find out more about you? Do you have online resources or a website?

Aviva - My website will be up and running in a few weeks and you can find out more about us and connections to social media on there.

Ellen - Do you have any last thoughts?

Aviva - Don’t let life just happen to you. Live so that you happen to life.

Thank you Aviva!

